Frequently Asked Questions


When is tuition due?

You may pay the tuition for camp all at once when you register or make payments with auto bill payments on the 1st of the month. If you are applying for Financial Aid, please complete the application prior to registering.  Once your financial assistance application is approved we will provide you with a code to register. 

Are there any expenses outside of the tuition?
There are very few items your tuition does not cover. Students choose to bring money along for small purchases in the campus vending machines. Please note that for safety reasons, students are not allowed to order food from outside vendors.
How do I pay the registration fee?
The fee is payable by check, money order or charge debit/credit card. A payment plan can also be scheduled by contacting Washington Business Week at 253.237.3545.
Suppose I can't afford the fee?

1 Washington Business Week has many generous sponsors who help break the financial barrier for students to attend camp.  Check out our financial assistance page and see if you qualify for one of the many scholarship options.

2. Try contacting a local business person for help. Washington Business Week can provide materials to help with this process.

3. Check with your school to see if they can help. We have school partners such as Kent and Renton School Districts who sponsor all students within the District regardless of financial need.  Many community organizations also sponsor students.  Check out our financial assistance page to see if your district or a group in your community sponsors students.

4. You may also call the Washington Business Week at 253.237.3545 or e-mail [email protected] for questions or concerns about the cost.


Overnight camp only.  WBW is not operating an overnight camp in 2022. 

When is Check-in and check-out?
If your program is a residential program, Check in will start around 10:00am the Sunday of your program and will continue until around 12:00pm. Checkout will be Friday following the awards ceremony and reception, concluding around 7:00pm. For our non-residential programs, students arrive on Monday morning around 9:00am and leave at 6:00pm. For the rest of the week, students arrive at 8:00am and leave by 6:00pm.
What if I need to come late?
Please contact Washington Business Week at 253.237.3545, so that we may plan for your late arrival. Please note that students must attend the entire program. Any student that leaves the program before Friday’s awards ceremony will be charged a $200 fee. In case of an emergency, please call WBW staff at 253.302.9268 or 253.302.9311.
Is transportation provided?
No. Transportation is the parent’s responsibility.
Can I bring my car?
Yes. But you will be required to leave your keys with the office and will not be able to leave campus for the week. Washington Business Week is not responsible for paying the fee associated with parking your car on campus.


What is the supervision at Business Week?
Students are in meetings, workshops, and other events throughout the day. During free time, there are activities scheduled. There are Business Week staff, dorm advisors, volunteers, and Campus Security staff on campus at all times. Students are not allowed to wander off campus.
How are rooms assigned?
While we encourage students to room with someone they don’t know, you are allowed to request a roommate. If you would like to room with a friend, please note so on your registration application.
Are genders separated?
Yes! Males and females are housed on separate floors of the same dorm at Seattle University. Bed checks are done by the floor supervisors each night and Campus Security patrols the grounds outside the dorms.
Are there any other rules or guidelines we should know about?
Yes, the Student Code of Conduct will be provided during registration and you will be able to review all student guidelines before completing registration.
What are the campus boundaries?
You will receive a campus map with the boundaries at check-in. You are asked to stay on campus from the moment you check-in to the moment you check out. If you have any pressing matters that require you to leave campus, you must contact Washington Business Week’s Offices.
What do I need to bring with me?
Besides your enthusiasm and open-mind, you will need to bring the basic essentials for the week. Three weeks prior to your week of attendance, the Washington Business Week office will send you an information packet with details specific to your program.
Can I have visitors while I am attending the program?
NO. Washington Business Week is a very rigorous program. We keep you busy from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m (residential) or 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (non-residential). You will have free time during the day, but visitors are not allowed on campus. This is included in our code of conduct and is a violation and grounds for being sent home from the Washington Business Week program.
Can I leave campus while I am at the program?
NO. There are boundaries within the campus that you must abide by. In case of emergency, Washington Business Week staff will follow up with a parent or guardian if a situation calls for a student to leave campus.


Do I need to bring business attire or dress up clothes?
Though it is not required, it is recommended. There is an Awards Ceremony on Friday Night and a dance (residential program only) throughout the week. Students often wear business attire on the Friday of the program during presentations and the Awards Ceremony.
I am a vegetarian? Will I have appropriate options?
Yes! Every campus will accommodate any dietary requirements with a variety of entrees. You will select if you are vegan, vegetarian, or have a gluten-free diet during registration.
Can my parents stay for lunch on the first day?
Yes! Lunch is available after check-in on the first day and the cost for parents is normally under $10.


Will I have any free time? Should I pack any special clothing?
Even though we will keep you busy throughout the day, you will have some free time. Please refer to the packing list for items you should bring.
Dances? Can I bring a friend?
Yes, there is a dance during the week for students participating in the residential program at Seattle University. You will be expected to follow the guidelines set out in the code of conduct. These are for program participants ONLY. There are no outside visitors allowed on campus during the week.
I heard there is a talent show?
Yes, for our students attending Seattle University! Everyone is expected to attend, but you are, of course, not required to perform. The talent show is in the evening during our Seattle University program only.


How is medication controlled while on campus?
Please refer to our Medication Policy.
Can I bring any money?
Yes. But we recommend small denominations only.
What about my computer or cell phone?
You may bring your electronics but they are not required for any program sessions. They will be required to be turned off during any workshops, speakers, and company meetings.


How are students organized?
Students are placed into groups of 8-12 and are called “Companies”. These companies will have a Company Advisor that will lead the company meetings and provide support and mentorship. Please note that students are split into companies where they will not know any of the individuals in their group. This is to simulate what it is like to work for a new employer.
What exactly is a Company Advisor?
One Company Advisor will be assigned to each company. These CAs come from a wide variety of backgrounds and companies. Please contact our offices for more info on CAs.
What if I need to cancel or change to a different week?
To change or cancel your program, please contact the Washington Business Week Office at [email protected]. For information concerning refunds please refer to our Cancellation Policy.
How do I earn college credit?
The 2 college credits are earned by fully participating in any of our weeklong programs. No additional tests or essays are required. These credits are elective credits and are included in your tuition! Information will be provided after acceptance into the program.

This program has changed me. I feel like so many doors have opened that I didn’t know were there.

– Student, WWU Business Week